Phys481: Special Relativity
Course topics: Topics: Historical development and the origins of SR, Lorentz Transformations, relativistic kinematics (length contraction, time dilations, etc.), relativistic optics, Minkowski spacetime, relativistic particle mechanics (and four-vector technology), tensors, electromagnetism in covariant form, introduction to classical field theory, introduction to General Relativity.
Grading: 30% Midterm-1, 30% Midterm-2, 40% Final Exam.
Problem sets are given for preparation for the exams.
Course textbooks:
-- Wolfgang Rindler, Relativity: Special, General, and Cosmological, 2nd edition.
The first seven chapters. A rigorous book and notationally unusual on occasion. For advanced undergraduates and graduates.
-- John David Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics; 3rd edition. Chapters 11 and 12. For advanced undergraduates and graduates.
-- Robert Resnick, Introduction to Special Relativity, 1st edition. Many details and examples.
Additional sources:
-- Bernard Schutz, A First Course in General Relativity, 2nd edition. The first four chapters. For graduate and advanced undergraduate students.
-- Hans Stephani, An Introduction to Special and General Relativity, 3rd edition. An extensive book with clear and detailed explanations.
-- Leonard Susskind (and Art Friedman), Special Relativity and Classical Field Theory: The Theoretical Minimum; great read at all levels; not too technical, but includes enough math to capture Susskind’s clear insights.
-- John Archibald Wheeler (with Edwin F. Taylor), Spacetime Physics: Introduction to Special Relativity. 2nd edition. A book from another legend.
-- L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, The Classical Theory of Fields, 4th edition. The first four chapters. Another classic.
Lecture notes:
Lecture 1: Introduction, history, motivation.
Lecture 2: Lecture-2, Simultaneity, Lorentz transformations, Minkowski diagrams
Lecture 3: Relativistic kinematics: Length contraction, time dilation, twin paradox
Lecture 3 (extra): The twin problem.
Lecture 4: Acceleration, relativistic optics.
Lecture 5: Four-vectors, tensors.
Lecture 6: Four velocity, energy-momentum, relativistic mechanics, E=mc2.
Lecture 7: Relativistic mechanics cont.
Lecture 8: Covariant EMT, gauge transformations.
Lecture 9: Lagrangian formalism of EMT, classical field theory.
Lecture 10: Lagrangian formalism cont., Lorentz group.
Lecture 11: Lorentz group cont., Thomas precession.
Lecture 12: Introduction to General Relativity.
Sample problem sets:
The problems in the sets will be discussed in the recitation sessions by the TA of the course.
Sample exams: