Phys481: Special Relativity

Course topics: Topics: Historical development and the origins of SR, Lorentz Transformations, relativistic kinematics (length contraction, time dilations, etc.), relativistic optics, Minkowski spacetime, relativistic particle mechanics (and four-vector technology), tensors, electromagnetism in covariant form, introduction to classical field theory, introduction to General Relativity. 

Grading: 30% Midterm-1, 30% Midterm-2, 40% Final Exam.
Problem sets are given for preparation for the exams. 

Course textbooks:

-- Wolfgang Rindler, Relativity: Special, General, and Cosmological, 2nd edition.
The first seven chapters. A rigorous book and notationally unusual on occasion. For advanced undergraduates and graduates.

-- John David Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics; 3rd edition. Chapters 11 and 12. For advanced undergraduates and graduates.

--  Robert Resnick, Introduction to Special Relativity, 1st edition. Many details and examples. 

Additional sources:  

--   Bernard Schutz, A First Course in General Relativity, 2nd edition. The first four chapters. For graduate and advanced undergraduate students.

--  Hans Stephani, An Introduction to Special and General Relativity, 3rd edition. An extensive book with clear and detailed explanations. 

--  Leonard Susskind (and Art Friedman), Special Relativity and Classical Field Theory: The Theoretical Minimum; great read at all levels; not too technical, but includes enough math to capture Susskind’s clear insights.

--  John Archibald Wheeler (with Edwin F. Taylor), Spacetime Physics: Introduction to Special Relativity. 2nd edition. A book from another legend.

--  L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, The Classical Theory of Fields, 4th edition. The first four chapters. Another classic.

Lecture notes: 

Lecture 1:    Introduction, history, motivation.

Lecture 2:    Lecture-2, Simultaneity, Lorentz transformations, Minkowski diagrams

Lecture 3:    Relativistic kinematics: Length contraction, time dilation, twin paradox

Lecture 3 (extra): The twin problem.

Lecture 4:    Acceleration, relativistic optics.

Lecture 5:    Four-vectors, tensors.

Lecture 5 (extra)

Lecture 6:    Four velocity, energy-momentum, relativistic mechanics, E=mc2.

Lecture 7:    Relativistic mechanics cont.

Lecture 8:    Covariant EMT, gauge transformations.

Lecture 9:     Lagrangian formalism of EMT, classical field theory.

Lecture 10:    Lagrangian formalism cont., Lorentz group.

Lecture 11:  Lorentz group cont., Thomas precession.

Lecture 12:  Introduction to General Relativity.

Sample problem sets:

Set 1. Set 6.

Set 2. Set 7.

Set 3. Set 8.

Set 4. Set 9.

Set 5. Set 10.

The problems in the sets will be discussed in the recitation sessions by the TA of the course.

Sample exams: 


